
Thursday, 5 July 2018

Family 2018

Malo Lele,

My name is Nathaniel and meet my Family!!

These are the people that I love the most in the world because they looked after me for two years while my mum was over seas and provited all of my school eqwipement and earthly things, like clothes, shoes, and other things. They are very supporteve and they love sports because it runs through their veins. The person with the hat his name is Thomas and he is the oldest out of everyone and the one that everyone lookes up to. They all played rugby and played for the same school named Mt Roskill Grammer School. But frangkly we had to move to Mt Albert so that means that me and the girl wearing pink ( Mary )  has to go to Mt Albert Grammer School. I think that Family is what brings us together and makes life better.

Thank you for reading my blog about my family, if you have any quistions please give a comment.